Horse Cloning

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Horse Cloning

Science has made possible to genetically replicate the horse by the horse cloning process. SINOGENE provides an opportunity to protect the elite horse genetics by offering genetic preservation and cloning service. The horse cloning allows producing the foal, which is identical to the donor. We offer insurance to breeders and horse owners to extend reproductive life. The cloning of the horse is relatively simple as the chromosomes of a cell from the donor horse are transferred into the cytoplasm of an egg. However, if your horse passes before the collection of DNA sample you may:

Take up one ear or tissue of chest of your horse and wrap it in sterilized cloth to refrigerate it

If you can’t refrigerate then place ice cubes on the body of your horse and replace them often

Contact SINOGENE as soon as possible

Horse cloning is genetic twining of your extant horse, which is born later. The horse cloning will not change any gene of your horse or modification. The cloned horse will share many attributes including temperament, intelligence, and appearance. If you want us to clone your horse than initially, you need to preserve the gene of your horse through the process of Genetic Preservation . Our veterinarian will collect cell typically from the ear or chest of the donor horse. The cell will be implanted in the unfertilized egg after the removal of DNA. The embryo is then implanted into the uterus of host and normal gestation period takes place before the birth of a genetic identical horse. Many horse owners around the world have already preserved their horse gene to gain reproductive services later on.


What is a cloned pet?

It is an asexual reproduction method in which a somatic cell of a cloned pet is transplanted into an oocyte from which the nucleus is removed, cell fusion is performed, a cloned embryo is constructed, and then the cloned embryo is transplanted into a surrogate mother to develop into a new individual. The cloned animal has the same genomic sequence information as the somatic cell-derived individual.


SWhat are the requirements for cloned animals?


Is the cloned pet exactly the same as the cloned pet?

The cloned animal and the cloned pet have a consistent genetic sequence, and thus the genes associated with the gene will be identical. Such as shape, body structure, innate ability and so on. The natural temperament of cloned animals is consistent with that of cloned ones, and may also change differently depending on the environment in which they grow up. The cloned animal was not remembered by the cloned animal.